TABERNA ARTIS is a "bottega" (workshop) of artists specialized in performing ancient  techniques of gilding, varnishing and decoration, used in the production of period style furniture and objects.
They also restore ancient furniture or furniture made by old wooden.
The romantic style of TABERNA, special and unique, recalls the typical craftsmanship of the Centre-Italy in '700 - Toscana, Marche, Rome. However, the workshop produces  also objects in Renaissance, liberty and art deco style.

The workshop is inside one of the most beautiful and ancient buildings in the centre of Sansepolcro, an amazing renaissance village between Toscana and Umbria, birthplace of Piero della Francesca, a very famous painter, and Luca Pacioli, the mathematician who invented the "double-entry accounting".

You may visit the "bottega" even only to see how the artists work, in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. Here, the time seems having stopped: you will be surprised by the romantic location and by the sense of art and history that will surround you.

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